Gout: Symptoms and Treatment
Causes of gout
The role of purines in the development of gout
- Limit foods rich in purine bases (meat, fish).
- Include foods in your diet that can control uric acid levels (cereals, milk).
- Drink enough fluids.
- Lose weight, achieve a healthy weight and eat right.
antipurine diet
- by-product
It is recommended to avoid dishes such as chopped liver, as well as other internal organs such as kidneys, heart, etc. , as they contain high amounts of purine. choose:You can eat other types of meat, such as poultry and beef, which contain less purines. For example, you could try a vegetarian recipe for mushroom and walnut sauce, which mimics the taste of liver but contains ingredients that won't aggravate gout symptoms. - cold drink
Although fructose and sugary soft drinks are not high in purines, they have been shown to increase the risk of gout. This happens because uric acid is one of the by-products of fructose metabolism. There is evidence that consuming large amounts of fructose can increase uric acid levels in the blood. Drinking soda containing high fructose corn syrup increases your risk of gout. According to a study published in the journal BMJ, men who drank two or more sodas per day had an 85 percent higher risk of developing gout than men who drank less than one soda per month. choose:You can drink diet soda, which does not cause gout and may help you quit sweets. For example, you could try infusing water with lemon and lime slices. - seafood
Certain types of seafood (anchovies, mussels, crabs, shrimp, sardines, herring, trout, mackerel, etc. ) contain moderate to high levels of purines. Men who ate the most seafood were more than 50 percent more likely to have high uric acid levels compared to men who ate the least, according to a study conducted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. choose:Since fish is good for your heart and blood vessels, it makes sense to keep it in your diet. One option is low-purine cod. You can also eat small, palm-sized portions of high-purine fish with plenty of vegetables, such as grilled zucchini or broccoli in lemon juice, as lemon juice helps neutralize uric acid. - Alcohol
According to a 2014 study from Boston University School of Medicine, drinking wine, beer, or spirits increases your risk of a gout attack. Researchers found that the more alcohol a person drank, the greater the risk of developing the disease. choose:The truth is, avoiding alcohol is the best way to prevent gout attacks. But since quantity does matter, the less alcohol the better—no more than one drink (for women) or two (for men) a day.
- Bacon, canned goods, frozen meat, fish;
- Meat extracts, broths;
- Dried beans (lima beans), lentils, peas, asparagus, frozen and canned vegetables;
- alcoholic beverages;
- Dry grains, excluding husked rice, husked wheat, and milled wheat;
- Dried fruits, except plums;
- Biscuits and confectionary products made with salt and powdered sugar;
- Salt, hot sauce, gravy, mustard, marinades, relish, olives, ketchup and pickles.
lose weight
Eat complex carbohydrates
drinking habits
reduce fat
Product specific recommendations
- Offal.Avoid eating meats such as liver and kidney. These meats contain high purine content, which can increase uric acid levels in the blood.
- red meat.Medium serving, suitable for beef, lamb and pork.
- seafood.Certain types of seafood, such as anchovies, clams, sardines, and tuna, contain more purines than other types of seafood. But for people with gout, the overall health benefits of eating fish may outweigh the risks. Moderate amounts of fish are an integral part of a gout diet.
- Vegetables high in purine.Studies show that purine-rich vegetables like asparagus and spinach do not increase the risk of gout or gout recurrence.
- Alcohol.Beer and alcoholic drinks increase the risk of gout and recurring attacks. Moderate drinking does not increase the risk of gout. Avoid drinking alcohol during a gout attack and limit alcohol consumption, especially beer, during an attack.
- Sweets and drinks.Limit or avoid sugary foods such as sweetened cereals, baked goods, and candies. Limit intake of naturally sweetened fruit juices.
- Vitamin C.Vitamin C may help lower uric acid levels.
- coffee.Some studies suggest that moderate coffee drinking may be associated with a lower risk of gout. However, it is necessary to consider the presence of concomitant diseases.
- cherry.There is some evidence that eating cherries may reduce the risk of gout attacks.
Recommended foods and drinks for daily consumption
- beans and lentils;
- legumes;
- low-fat dairy products;
- whole grains such as oats, brown rice, and barley;
- fruits and vegetables.